Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Our M&M science lesson incorporates all 3 aspects of TPACK...
Content: Standard 3, Objective 3 in Utah's 1st grade core curriculum states that students will be able to "Collect, organize, and represent simple data." Students do this through sorting M&M's into their respective color groups and representing the information in the form of a graph.
Pedagogy: Students will be excited to participate in this experiment because of the reward at the end (yummy M&M's!). The teacher will have students to work in small groups so they can help each other while teacher walks around and assists groups who need her help.
Technology: The lesson simply uses the graphing aspect of PowerPoint. This is a simple tool that students can use to quickly and professionally represent their data. 1st graders will be able to handle the difficulty of this task because it is within their zone of proximal development; however they will need to first have the task modeled and then receive scaffolding along the way.

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