Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tech Savvy Teacher

Technology is a part of everyday life and it is essential that we teach our students how to use it effectively by incorporating it into our teaching.

Miss Cluff and Miss Schefcik teamed up and performed an experiment that was originally designed for a 1st grade class, showing how simple it can be to bring technology into a classroom. They found this experiment at This fulfills a 1st Grade standard found in Utah Public Schools' Curriculum...
Standard 3
Students will understand simple geometry and measurement concepts as well as collect, represent, and draw conclusions from data.
Objective 3
Collect, organize, and represent simple data.
1. Collect and represent data using tables, tally marks, pictographs, and bar graphs.
2. Describe and interpret data.

What better way to explore math than with food?
In this experiment, students compare the color quantities in two different packages of M&M's. Miss Cluff and Miss Schefcik used a package of peanut and a package of plain M&M’s.

After sorting their data they created a bar graph of their findings using PowerPoint. The bar graph helped them quickly and clearly organize their findings so they could analyze their information. They learned that along with having more M&M’s in them, plain M&M packages also have a wider variety of colors. One thing is for sure...M&M's sure are tasty!
Incorporating PowerPoint into the lesson is beneficial for students because they gain experience using the program and learn how to professionally organize and present data. These 1st grade scientists are ready to present their findings to the public in a way that presents their experimental data in a way that could be readily repeated by other curious students. Not only does this fulfill the 1st grade standard, it does so in a unique way that will help the students for the rest of their lives! Whether students grow up to be scientists or not, they will need to know how to use various aspects of PowerPoint. This lesson merely explored one of PowerPoint's many capabilities. As Miss Schefcik and Miss Cluff learned, incorporating technology into a lesson plan does not have to give teachers a headache. The hardest thing about bringing technology into the classroom is knowing what resources you have, after that, the rest is as easy as eating a whole bag of M&Ms by yourself!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reach for the Stars!

I explored Stellarium in class today. It is a free program that shows a map of stars in different locations around the world. Teachers can not have their students view the night sky during the day, and so this is the next best thing! The program maps out the specific constellations along with their names.


TPACK means incorporating technology, content knowledge, and good teaching practices into your classroom. Oftentimes, teachers focus on the content and pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge is left by the wayside. Technology is a major part of our world and the sooner children are exposed to it and learn how to use it to their advantage, the better off they will be. Some students may not have access to technology outside of the classroom and so it is essential that the schools introduce it to them.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

RSS, Web 2.0

A little confused! I had no idea what RSS or Web 2.o was before this class and I can't say that I truly understand it yet. I'm playing with it though and learning as I go! RSS is an interesting concept for me. I could add an RSS to a class blog when I'm a teacher that links to the school's website so that the parents would have updated school news.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Techno Genius...Well, Not Quite!

I'm getting more and more technologically savvy as the days go by (and boy do they go by quickly!).  I actually own a digital camera now and I've thought about getting an Ipod (we'll see, my CD's are still alive and kicking).  BYU professors have made sure that I use a computer every day of my life...literally!  Excel spreadsheets are saving my bacon for things like visiting teaching assignments and organizing my schedule.  I use my cell phone daily, even for things other than calling surprisingly enough!  It wakes me up every morning and I actually added texting to my plan.  Wow!  I didn't see that one coming! I'm learning lots, that's for sure!!!